One More Bar

Address: 12 Tsar Ivan Shishman Str.

Phone: +359 877 693 735

Working hours: Mon-Sun 8:30 to 02:30

The bar is located in the city center close to the National Assembly. It is a family house built in the 30s of the last century with a nice and cozy courtyard.

One More Bar

Address: 12 Tsar Ivan Shishman Str.

Phone: +359 877 693 735

Working hours: Mon-Sun 8:30 to 02:30 (more…)

One more bar

Адрес: ул. Цар Иван Шишман 12;

Телефон: +359 877 693 735;

Раб. време: пн-нд 08:30 – 02:30; (more…)